E-Partners Conference | Workshop

Q : What is eConsortium Partners Conference?
A : It is about creating collaborative projects among networked ecosystem partners for delivery of them @ the eConsortium

About the Conference
Creating a Project Team

Idea Regeneration : Development 0f a new venture and actualisation of business plan
For who ? : All who are part of Qcircle eConsortium Ecosystem and those who are in pursuit of creating a shared business project.
Program : Half day program with interest group interaction. Post conference follow-ups
Theme : Co-creating a Qcircle’s Specialty Product or Service lines.
Outcome : An accredited project ready for delivery as a Qcircle Qualifying Events or eBusinesse / eLearning platforms.

Members as E-Partners

Enrolment : Find location and coming Event
Submit your interest with us now. Send your Request Form for Event / Program Accreditation for reservation of work space.


Members as Partners in Collaboration
How to create new value in a shared marketplaces?
What is eConsortium Ecosystem @ Qcircle?

Business and Development Project Plan. Creation of new shared values.


Program Plan may vary to meet local requirements

e-Partners detail request for collaboration

Arrangement to be made among ePartners.