Entrepreneurial Innovation | Essence of  Digitalisation Growth

Q : What is International Entrepreneurial Innovation?
A : Digital innnovation is the essence for creation of new job and business in new economies

About the Workshop

The future : Work anytime and anywhere. Full-time or part-time | Flexible or parallel career and business for all | Learn to innnovate a job or business for yourself here.

For who ? : All who are keen to know more about new opportunities in the era of the digital age.
Program : A job and business induction program with interest group interaction.
Theme : New insight on digitalisation opportunities. Consortium Financial Plan and eConsortium Ecosystem for a shared value growth will be introduced.

Enrolment : On enrolment, all participants will be given a complimentary one year EIM Starters Plan to explore the eConsortium to advance themselves. Submit your interest with us now.

Outcome : Immediate Job induction to the eConsortium as Affiliate @ Qcircle for all qualified participants on completion of workshop.

Advancement : Post workshop internship or mentorship Program | Certifying Members

Post Innovation Workshop program

International Enterprenuerial Innovation (IEI) Practicum

A Members Partners Alliance Cooperative Development Initiative. The service is provided by Qcircle Professionals / Mentors to assist fellow members to upgrade themselves and be part of Qcircle for career advancement or business enhancement.

Opportunities and Privileges :
Select a job or business interest to advance in the Consortium.

Directed | Progressive pathway development

International Entrepreneurial Innovation

  • Digital E+B Innovation
  • New Job, Career and Business
  • Consortium Financial Plan Privileges and Reward.

Program Format and Agenda

Customised Program. The Plan may vary to meet local requirements of participants